Monday, June 9, 2014

Scarves R Us

OH, and I forgot this one.  Bought the yarn in Durango...

Interesting construction -- the border is knit first -- 33 repeats of 12 rows -- and then pick up all the outside stitches. Knit two full rows, and then start short rows than increase in length  all the way to the end.

Seven Scarves and counting

Finished two more of these beaded scarves -- here is the full collection so far. It's great to find a pattern that is fun to knit and also fun to wear.  These are made from various yarns -- the most recent two are the bottom two on the left -- both made from Madeline Tosh yarn.

Four out of Five all finished

Lisa's four cabin quilts -- all finished: pieced, quilted and bound. The fifth is being quilted and will be ready to post very soon, we hope.

It only seems right to include some binding party photos:

Left to Right - Noel, Summer and Katie

Julie and Fran