Sunday, February 19, 2012

Class Quilt Completed

Last fall, I took a Beginning Quiltmaking class from Laura Nownes at Thimblecreek Quilt Shop. Everyone in the class made the same blocks, and then each person constructed a quilt from their blocks.

The pattern prototype is in the book  Q is for Quilt by Diana McClun and Laura Nownes

Yesterday, I finally finished the binding.

Hurrah! All the quilts in Group 1of my "Quilts To Finish" list have been completed. On to group 2 !!

Slice Quilt

Slice Quilt 
(A sweet finish for February!)

Pattern: ‘Slice’ by Sweetwater
Size:  33” x 33” 
Fabric: ‘Sunkissed’ by Sweetwater and misc. from stash
Machine pieced and quilted

Wishful Thinking Wrist Warmers

Wishful Thinking Wrist Warmers
(just in case it gets cold enough here to wear these!)

Pattern: ‘Karin Wristwarmers’ by Alexandra Blick. Free on Ravelry
Yarn: Lorna’s Laces Worsted in ‘Douglas Fir’
Needles: US7 circular – Addi Turbo

Julie's 2012 socks

Julie knits her annual pair of socks, apparently. Here is the pair for 2012:

Stripes Gone Awry Socks
Pattern:  ‘Columbine Peak’ from ‘Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles’ by Cat Bordhi
Yarn:  Lorna’s Laces Sock in ‘Fiddle Fern’
Needles:  US1 circular- Addi Turbo

The Very Bright Quilt, Continued

Lisa continued working on the Very Bright Quilt, originally introduced on this blog on January 7th. Yesterday, we watched it grow again, and <drum roll> here it is!!

We thought it looked like stained glass with the sun shining through it.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Knitted Table Runner

This table runner is knitted with Cascade Ultra Pima cotton - three skeins with 220 yards per skein. The finished dimensions are 38 inches by 10 inches. I increased the center stockinette stitch from 10 stitches in the original pattern to a broader 20 stitches. The lace edge is a simple pattern and is almost mindless knitting. Oddly enough, the pattern is knitted on the wrong side, and then appears, as you see, on the right side of the knitting.

Pattern "Scalloped Table Runner"
by Amy Stender
Ravelry Name: vermontgirl

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Wanting to see what these look like AFTER felting, but that was part of the gift - the fun of felting herself . . . . they're supposed to fit MY feet -- we'll see . . . .
This project was almost done for 6 whole months -- the two halves were just waiting for a bit of stitching up the sides, but that needed ME to sit down with the teapot . . . . Thank you Julie for the kit and the inspiration!
A finished project -- Noel's birthday apron.