Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Ribbon Scarf

Yesterday, I sat down I knit this scarf from yarn bought about five years ago. I have not owned the yarn for the full five years. About two years ago I gave it away it a fit of getting rid of stuff. However, last month it reappeared in someone else's giveaway. I thought it was a portent. I really like the yarn, I had not been able to figure out what to do with it. So I decided to knit a scarf, and here it is.

It is a ribbon yarn with alternating sections of chips and solid. It is plain garter stitch.

24 hours have passed, and I really don't like the scarf. I described it to Nora as looking and feeling like rubber tires. Even though I knit it on size 15 needles so that it would look and airy, what I like about the yarn doesn't shine through. And it is much too bulky.

So, I decided to rip it out. And, I did. Then, I ironed the entire skein of yarn, which returned it to its original beauty. Yes, I ironed it. Every yard.  See photo.

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